Running as JupyterLab Notebook

Running REVNANO as a JupyterLab notebook is likely the easiest way to use the program:

  1. Change to the origami/ directory where you installed REVNANO, and activate the Python 3 virtual environment (if not already active):

    cd origami
    source venv/bin/activate
  2. Change to the REVNANO/ directory, and start JupyterLab:

    cd REVNANO
  3. Open the notebook file Reverse Engineer an Origami Guide Schematic.ipynb in the file viewer on the left hand side. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions at the top of the notebook to reverse engineer an origami guide schematic.


  • Be patient :) The notebook can sometimes take minutes to complete for larger origamis.

  1. See the Guide Schematic Views page, for an explanation of what the different views of the guide schematic mean.

Finally, note that the notebook calls REVNANO through API functions. These API functions can also be called by your own Python scripts.